Dear Miss Joanne,
Last time we met each other in the Europe. You came to Innsbruck and lived in my dorm. We walked along the Inn river and bird-viewed the whole view of Innsbruck at our VIP seat. After several months, I flew to Edinburgh and had a short vacation at your place. You showed me the breathtaking view of Scotland's highland. We ran to the supermarket at our maximum speed, but still watching them closed the door...... I can never forget the best taste of sticky toffee pudding!! That's awesome! (I would come back to Scotland for it.) What's more, the most unforgettable & magical thing is I finally got my camera back though I already gave up finding it and bought a new one. ;-)
This month, we are here in Taipei, Taiwan. We had a wonderful afternoon tea time, shopping, eating pancake, and chatting, as if we were sent back to our freshman old times!
Kisses & Hugs,