2010年2月28日 星期日

Travellers hostel- Cesky Krumlov(2/27-2/28)

Running Bar is their main business, and hostel is the second.
No one without us in this smoking-smell hostel.
We pay a 4-bed room price but live in a "whole" building.

For residents here, winter is a season to rest not to work.
"Today's weather is nice! Just go out! I will go out later." the receptionist said when we arrived.

"Are you stay here tonight?" I asked a Japanese girl.
"No." She answered.
"Why not?" "Cause they said they have no clean bed for me."
(We never see they make beds and clean rooms... )

A easy living style!
Hey,we are in Europe. Don't forget!

2010年2月27日 星期六

CTU (2/26)

why my life is related to CTU?
It's a loooooong story..

1. Tour guide to Praha castle, Karlovy Vary.
2. Treat us Taiwanese style dinner-滷蛋 湯麵 滷玉米
3. a place to stay for one night and wash our dirty hair(!)

Today, I totally realize the saying says, "It's so lucky to have a Old friend in foreign cities(他鄉遇故知)." I love Taiwan!

Couchsurfing- Honza (2/24-2/25)

Someone knows Chinese culture, learns Mandarin, or have been to Taiwan is a better choice.

Miracle happens!

He provided us a cozy, big couch.
He cooked us dinner- dumplings with Czech's source.
He brought us to his school's party- countries presentation, introducing some Taiwanese students.
More than that, he give us lucky fortune.

Even though he is a poker face man.

Awaking city- Praha (2/24 morning)

On our way to Praha, snow melt.
The sunlit world is going to wake up.

To welcome our coming with its big, warm smile :)